Standing Desk

Top 10 Standing Desks and Converter in 2022 Reviews | Benefits

If you are a corporate employee, I am sure you might have heard about standing desks or seen someone using it. The trend of these standing desks is becoming popular nowadays because they bring a lot of benefits to the employees as well as for the organization. It has an adverse effect on your body when you sit on a chair for nine hours. It causes stiffness, and you might see some severe problems in the future also.

According to the Society of Human Resource Management, most of the Workplaces around the world are opting for these standing tables as it benefits the employee’s health and also increases the efficiency that ultimately helps the organization.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about these standing desks and standing desk converter. Let me tell you; there is a difference between standing desks and converters, standing desks are desks which height can be adjusted accordingly while converters are used over standing desks to give you more comfort so that you can change your system the way you want.

People have been asking what are the best standing desk for a tall person, is there any portable standing desk, bamboo desks, its benefits, and much more. So, if you are among those curious people, read the whole article, I am sure that your all doubts will be sorted.

You don’t want to invest the money on these desks; you can also do some DIY and get things done. But, if you’re going to handle everything just by the push of a button, then you can go for one of these. When it comes to their cost, the price varies from a few hundred dollars to a couple of thousands of dollars.

They come in a variety of ranges, so you have to decide which one suits your requirement and then you can invest accordingly. There are dozens of benefits of these desks as they help you in weight loss, relief from back pain, lowering in blood sugar and cholesterol, and others. A lot of studies have supported the drastic health benefits of these desks so if you are spending your whole day sitting on a chair then probably you should think of buying one or ask your employer to do so.

Studies have also shown that sitting in one place might cause depression and stress. When you sit in one place for a longer time, instead of feeling relaxed, your body gets fatigued. And most of the time, we think that cause is something serious instead of a simple sitting posture. So, you are spending most of your time working in the same way; it’s time to make a change.

These desks can be used for multiple purposes. It allows you to place your computer in a higher position; you can also use them for studying or writing purposes. Set the right height and use it at your disposal. Below are some of the benefits of standing desks that you have to take a look at.

7 benefits of Standing Desks

#1 Energy level Booster: We have this common misconception that if you always stand for hours, you might feel tired. But it’s not the way you think. Standing increases the energy level of your body, and instead of feeling fatigued, your body feels relaxed and calm. Recently, a survey was done on a group of people in which it was found that 90% of the people who used standing desks found the experience more energizing than tiring.

#2 Productivity Enhancer: When your mood and energy level is right, you become more efficient. There have been a lot of researches that clearly showed that standing desks were more efficient than sitting on a chair. And the people who shifted from a chair to standing desks also claimed increased focus and efficiency. It makes you more focused and keeps you away from distractions.

And why do you think, why most of these corporate giants are going for these standing desks because they know, it not only gives health benefits to the employee but also it also increases the productivity that ultimately helps the company.

#3 Longer Life: The American Cancer Society presented one report in 2010 that claimed that if you are sitting more than 6 hours a day, then it increases the risk of dying prematurely. When you sit for more time, it increases the chances of diseases and stress in your body.

The risk is higher in women in comparison to men. A sedentary lifestyle increases the shorter lifespan by 37% in women and 18% in men. If we try to understand this from the biological point of view then there is something called telomeres in our DNA, they divide till the point they can not divide anymore, and it becomes shorter when you have a sedentary lifestyle and leads to shorter life as well.

#4 Lowers Obesity: Do you know using standing desks can significantly lower the chances of getting obese. So, if you have seen any weight gain in the last couple of months, your sitting hours could be a reason behind that. When you sit for a longer duration, it stops the circulation of an enzyme that absorbs fat, and that leads to weight gain.

So, if you are exercising regularly, then it can be countered in that way. If not, then standing desks might help you in the regulation of fat absorbing enzymes. There is one study published by James Levine who added extra 1000 calories in a group of office workers and found that after some time, the people who walked and used standing desks didn’t gain weight at all while others did.

#5 Heart & Blood Pressure: When you are using standing desks for work, your blood pressure remains normal while sitting for a longer duration can cause an adverse effect on your body. It also affects your sugar level as well as in a sitting position; your body produces a higher level of insulin. Standing posture allows insulin to process glucose better.

It also keeps your heart healthy. When you sit on the chair, most of the time, you slouch, and you don’t breathe properly but when you are standing upright, you let your lungs expand properly, and that helps in better oxygen and blood flow. In the 1950s a study was done that showed that bus conductors have 50% less risk of dying from heart disease than drivers, the reason was that they are always standing during work. Scientists found that sitting for a more extended period can increase the possibility of 147%.

#6 Lowers Cancer Risk: Nobody wants cancer in their life. But if you are sitting for a longer duration, then the chances of some specific types of cancer increases significantly. When you stand and have body movement, it boosts antioxidants movements, and that combats the free radicals reducing the chances of cancer.

#7 Improves Posture and Mood: Standing straight improves your body posture. It decompresses your spine and increases your body’s core strength. Also, make sure, when you are standing, your system and desk are at the right height. Your body shouldn’t slouch or hunch back while working. It also reduces the chances of having back pain or neck pain. The study also shows when you stand your body releases endorphins that is a stress buster and keeps your mood happy throughout the day.

Things to keep in mind before buying a standing desk

In this section, we will talk about some of the essential things that you have to keep in mind before buying a standing desk because these things are long term investment, so you don’t want to end up buying the wrong one. So, below are some of the essential features that you have to take a look at before purchasing one.

1. Weight Capacity: How much weight can behold by your desk is important? Because you would be putting all your essential stuff over it and sometimes you would also be leaning over it, and you don’t want it to break in between. Most people don’t use it for work. Instead, they use it as a multi-purpose table. I am sure, you would be putting a lot of things over it, and that will increase the weight over it.

So, make sure you check the weight holding capacity of the desk. Most of the desks are made up of wooden, and if the wood is not of good quality, it will gradually be worn out with time. So, make sure you check the build quality of the desk and what wood is used in making it. Bamboo is known to be the best material for these desks.

2. Aesthetic Looks: Most of people take this for granted, but let me tell you there is a scientific reason behind it. If you have a desk which soothes you and looks fantastic, you enjoy more working on it. If it doesn’t have a good look no matter how sturdy it is, things will always be cluttered. If you are buying it for your home then its looks should be your priority, it should blend with your house. There are some companies which make these desks in different colors, so you can choose one that suits your home.

White and Black are some of the most common colors, but you can try something different as well. Also, keep in mind, you might have to pay extra bucks for the desks which have better looks, but it would be worth investing.

3. Customisation: You should also consider the adjustability of the desk before buying it. Can you use it as a sitting desk as well? Does it have enough space if you want to put a standing desk converter over it? Though it would vary from person to person, so you have to think wisely about what purpose, you are going to use this desk and what changes you might need? If you have a low space, then it should not be huge to occupy the whole area.

You can consider other aspects as well that includes how easy it is to use, what are the accessories available with it? And others.

4. Budget: Though when it comes to the price of standing desks, the price might vary drastically. It starts with hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars. If you don’t want to squander a lot of money, then you can go with some affordable desk with some decent features.

So, if you have to decide first what the purpose you are buying this desk is? What are the features you want? Do you want a regular looking desk with a height adjuster or do you want a fancy table with some advanced features? So, decide all your requirements and then check what all tables are matching your needs and then you can choose one of them which has good reviews and an affordable price.

Also, keep in mind that it is a long term investment. Don’t keep your budget too low. You want something that lasts longer, and you feel good working on it. Don’t go with cheap ones. I would say spend at least 500 to 600 dollars. You will get a good one.

5. Automatic or manual: This is also an essential feature that you have to consider before buying one. If you go with the electronic desk, then everything and different levels can be adjusted just by a click of a button. If you go with a manual one, then you might have to do lifting and lever handling as well, and that might be hectic sometimes. I would recommend you to go with electronic ones as they are easy to use. And when your desktop is on the desk, you don’t want to increase the risk of toppling down your computer as it might happen with manual adjustments.

Though regarding the budget, there is a huge difference between both types of desks. So, if you don’t want to invest a lot of money and you are not the kind of person who changes height very often then in that case, you can try manual standing desk as well.

6. Space: How spacious your table is? And how much space do you need? Are they are in sync? So, these are some of the questions that you have to ask. These desks come in different sizes like 24 inches, 52 inches and so on.. So, if you are using the only laptop, then you can go with a smaller one. If you are using the whole system then probably you can go for a larger one. There are some sectors in which people prefer to use more than one monitor, like if you are into video editing, then you might need more than one monitor. And most often people also need space for putting table calendar, keyboard mouse, and other stuff. So, make sure it has enough space to occupy all your paraphernalia.

7. Assembly: Most of these electronic standing tables come pre-assembled, you plug them in, and they are ready to use. But there are few brands in the market that you have to assemble before installation. So, read the instructions carefully before you start fiddling around with its parts. If you are buying in bulk for your office, then in that case you need someone to do it for you.

Easy assembly also helps when you have to move your desk from one place to another then you can easily de-assemble and install it wherever you want.

8. Warranty Period: Check how many years of warranty that you are getting with the product? Most of these desks, come with five to ten years of warranty period. Longer duration is better because of the chances of wear and tear increase with time. Also read the terms and conditions as well, what are the things they are covering with it?

There are dozens of brands in the market who make standing desks. But, I would recommend going with the reputable ones with good customer services. Some of them having toll free number and they are very quick to respond.

9. Office Compatibility: Sometimes I have seen that these standing desks don’t suit the office environment. If you already have the full-fledged office and you add two standing desks, then it becomes quite weird because most of your office mates are working at different height and you are at different height.

Also, check with the HR and co-workers, what’s their idea about it because most of the people are used to of sitting on the chair, the idea of standing while working is completely weird to them. If you are buying it for personal use, then there should not be any issue, but when you are buying it for office purpose, then there are a lot of things that you have to consider.

10. Levels and Screens: This is also a very important factor. You have to check, how many levels are there on the desk? Can it be used as a sitting desk when at lowest height? If more than one person is going to use it then does it fulfil everyone’s requirement? Your monitor should always be at your eye level. So, always buy one in which remains at a comfortable height.

Also, check, how many screens you will be using on the desk? If you are a gamer or video editor, make sure it has enough space for your monitors.

Best Standing Desks & Converter 2021

In this section, we will talk about the best standing desks available in 2019 that you can buy online. In case, if we miss any good one, your suggestions are most welcome in the comments below.

Jarvis Bamboo Standing Desk

This is one of the best standing desks that you can go for. It has a solid build quality and lasts for years. It was named as one of the best standing desks by Wirecutter for four years. It is made up of bamboo which makes it environmental friendly as well. It has good aesthetic looks as well that adds a new shining to your home if you are buying it for personal use. You put it in your drawing-room, and it looks like a piece of decor. The company claims that it is made up of Bamboo harvested without using fertilizers or pesticides. Most of the desk’s color comes from the dyes and synthetic stains, but our Jarvis shines because of the natural Kiln present in the wood. Below are some of the important features of the Jarvis Bamboo Standing Desk that you should know.

  • It has a weight holding capacity of 350 lbs that is remarkable. You can put anything on the desk, and it’s not going to break. You can all your gadgets, and you can also stand on it (but don’t do it, you never know).
  • It is easy to use as it comes with a programmable LED interface. It is very comfortable to use and has great finishing.
  • It is comfortable for a person up to 6’7?. So, if you are a tall person and looking for something that suits you, it could be a great choice for you.
  • You also get a lot of options to choose from as it comes in two shapes and seven sizes. So, choose the one that suits your requirements.

 Lander Desk

This is the second desk in our top 10 list. It costs around a thousand dollars. It has a solid build quality and has some advanced features as well. What I love about this standing desk that it comes pre-assembled and you can install in just in minutes. You also get a hand controller like other desks, but this one is more easy to use. You can even use it intuitively, people who are using it, say they don’t have to look at the controller, they know what to press. Its intuitive height adjustment paddle makes everything very simple. With a single tap, it gets adjusted to your requirements. Below are some of the features that you should know about this desk.

  • It has complete builtin system that allows you to control your smartphone via Bluetooth. Its multicolour high-resolution display makes the use of desk very easy with the help of paddle.
  • It comes with ten years of warranty that itself boasts about its durability. It is also available in multiple sizes and colours that allows you to choose the one that suits you the best.
  • The company claims that they have more than 36 colours availability with premium quality wood.
  • They also have treadmill desks as well in case you want something like this.
    Corner Models are not yet available by the company, but you can go for others like L Shaped ones.

Uplift Bamboo Stand Up Desk

It is also one of the very popular standing desks. It has a unique design; it comes with an ergonomic cut at the front that takes your comfort level to the next level. Though groove cutout is optional; if you don’t like it, then you can go for normal design as well. You get all the required items with the kit once you make the purchase that includes power and cable organizers. Though when it comes to building quality, it’s not as sturdy as the above two, but regarding stability, you won’t find anything better than this one. When it comes to its looks, some people like it while others hate it. So, it has a kind of mixed response to its aesthetic looks. Below are some of the important factors of Uplift Bamboo Stand Up Desk.

  • Its motor is a bit loud. So, if you love changing heights very often, then people sitting beside you might find it irritating.
  • It comes with seven years of warranty and has good customer service as well. If you face a problem, you can dial their toll-free number or email them. They are very quick to respond.
  • It is comfortable for people up to 6’6? inches. So, if you are a tall person, then this desk could be a good fit for you. Its levels can be adjusted from 24 to 51 inches.
  • It is one of the most stable desks in the market. You will feel the least amount of vibration on it.

Ready desk

This is not a standing desk instead of its a standing desk converter. If you don’t want to go with a standing desk, then you can go with this one. You can put it on your table and adjust the height accordingly. This is portable as well and gives you freedom regarding usage and comfort. This wooden workspace can be adjusted up to two different heights. It is 27 inches wide that provides enough space for your laptop. It is suitable for the people having a height between 5’3? to 6’5? inches. If you want some more comfort, then you can also go with separate accessories as well which includes an additional shelf or laptop rise. Below are some of the important features of a standing desk converter that you should know.

  • It is a lot cheaper than standing desks. So, if you want something more portable and easy to use, this could be your perfect choice. It costs less than $200.
  • It is easy to assemble; you don’t need any tools to put it together. That makes it very easy to use.
  • It is mostly used for standing posture; you can’t use it as a sitting desk. So, if you are using, you won’t be able to change it from standing desk to sitting desk.

Ergotron WorkFit-T

It is also a very popular standing desk converter that you can go for. It has a good build quality and looks nice regarding aesthetic looks. It is one of the main competitors of Varidesk. A lot of people have been asking about the difference between Workfit and Varidesk. The basic difference is that the Workfit T can be adjusted vertically and there is no outward shifting, while in the case of Varidesk, you will see some outer shifting as well that can make the things a bit congested if you don’t have enough space. Below are some of the important things about Ergotron WorkFit-T that you should know.

  • Its height can easily be adjusted with the press of two buttons. The height of WorkFit can be adjusted up to 15 inches.
  • It comes pre-assembled out of the box, so you don’t have to waste your time fiddling around with the tools.
  • Its weight holding capacity is up to 35 pounds that are decent enough considering its cost. Its updated version can withhold up to 40 pounds.
  • It is a bit costlier than the other standing desk converters. It will cost you somewhere between four hundred to five hundred dollars.

Varidesk ProDesk 60 Electric

This standing desk has received a very mixed kind of response online. It has some pros and cons. If you compare the stability, then it is better than Uplift and Jarvis that makes it remarkable. Its motors are also quieter; you don’t have to disturb the person sitting beside you. Its cord management system is very systematic. Though regarding looks, you might not find it very interesting, so if the outlook is not your priority, it is worth consideration. When it comes to its assembly, you can do it in half an hour however the company claims the installation to be done in 5 minutes. I would say if you never did any mechanical work before, take someone’s help because you have to tighten all the bolts properly. If anything remains loose, it will affect the whole ergonomics, and you won’t have a stable experience. Below are the main features of Varidesk ProDesk 60 Electric.

  • A lot of details have been kept in mind while building this. It includes a comfortable handle on the side, hex wrench, and cable management loop.
  • It has lamination that makes the table more sturdy. It comes with eco-friendly Greengard. Its surface is very smooth to use.
  • Laminated desks have an advantage when it comes to cleaning. They can easily be cleaned and maintained which makes your working space immaculate and clutter-free.

GeekDesk Max

You might not have heard about this desk, but this company is known for making some high-end height adjustable electric desks at an affordable rate. It is one of the oldest companies in the business. It has a solid build quality and comes with a good warranty period. If you are a simple laptop user and you don’t need a lot of monitors on your desk, then this could be the right choice for you. It is also $200 cheaper than the other brands we mentioned in the article. It is the cheapest standing desk with some decent features in 2019. There are other variations available as well in different sizes and colours that you can go for. Below are some of the main features of the GeekDesk Max standing desk.

  • Though they offer different sizes and colors, still, the number of options is not enough in comparison to other dominating brands in the market.
  • Assembling this desk could be a bit difficult and tricky. So, read the instructions carefully.
  • It comes with a crossbar which is needed for lateral stability. But if you are a tall person with long legs, it could be a bit irritating for you.
  • Its lifting speed is quite slow. So, have some patience when you are using it. It comes with 1.1 while others move at 1.5 or 2.0.
  • Though it has some pros and cons. But if you are looking for some affordable options with some decent features, then it could be the right choice for you.

Stand Steady Standing Desk X-Elite Standing Desk

This is again a standing desk converter that you can go for. Stand Steady has multiple variants of their desks, but this one is the most popular one. Its vertical adjustment is quick, and it happens in a matter of seconds. The company claims that this desk comes with a premium pump assisted lift. It has an ergonomic build quality that gives you comfort and ease of use. It also has a wider surface area in comparison to others. Its standing height can be changed between 7 to 16 inches that provide good variation to choose from. When you are using it at a sitting posture, it is around 2.5 inches high. It’s desktop surface area is 28 inches x 20 inches. You can use it in different standing desks or cubicles. Below are some of the important things that you should know about.

  • It weighs around 27lbs, and its weight holding capacity is 20lbs. The build quality is good as it is made up of particle board and steel.
  • You also get plenty of options to choose from. It is available in different colors that include Maple, Cherry, Black, and White.
  • It comes fully assemble. It’s ready to use, out of the box. The company claims that you can switch between standing to sitting posture in just 3 seconds.

VIVO Height-Adjustable Standing

I earlier thought VIVO only makes mobile. But now, I got to know they are into a lot of business. They also make a standing desk converter as well. It is one of the most affordable ergonomically build standing desk converter that you can go for. Like Stand Steady, you can also switch between standing or sitting posture very quickly. This is one of the top-selling product of VIVO in this category. Its electric lift mechanism is super smooth and quieter as well. So, if you are using it in the office, people sitting beside you won’t be annoyed. It also has a height locking mechanism. Its height can be adjusted from 6 inches to 19 inches. Below are some of the things about this machine that you should know.

  • It has a spacious work area of 35.25” x 23.25” that is better than other desks in this range. You can single or double monitor easily with other gadgets as well.
  • It has a separate deck for keyboard and mouse that makes it more ergonomic and easy to use.
  • Its weight holding capacity is around 33 lbs which are not very good but decent enough.
  • It comes with three years of warranty. It comes pre-assembled so you don’t need to worry much while installing it.

flexi spot M2B Standing Desk

This is the last in our top 10 list. This is again a standing desk converter and have some features worth taking a look at. It weighs around 50lbs and its maximum weight is holding capacity is 35 lbs. It has a wide surface area of 31? (W) x 22.3? (D) that provides enough space to work. It comes with 12 height adjustment levels that certainly makes it stand out from the crowd. Its gas-driven spring motion makes the height change very smooth and stable. It has a larger surface area and a separate table for keyboard and mouse. Below are some of the features that you should know.

  • The Assembly of the product is very easy. You can read the instructions and complete the whole installation in just half an hour.
  • It comes in three different sizes and black and white color options. So, you can choose the one suits you.


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